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Steven Manning Pillars of Success



Adopt Steven Manning's PILLARS OF SUCCESS and forge ahead courageously and mightily. From humble beginnings to a stellar career in the early days of direct marketing and the Internet, Steve is known to proudly break protocol and challenge best practices to his advantage and accomplishments.  Some people collect stamps, memorabilia, music, dolls, Zippo lighters, bottle caps, stamps, Happy Meals toys, rocks, bad habits … Steven Manning collects people and stories. Steve asserts to lead a preposterously fulfilling life. That tends to happen to people who will try and fail to read everything in print and online, talk to anybody about anything, anywhere, anytime. And then try to live all of that. His “Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal” and “A Life Without Passion Is A Life Not Worth Living” philosophies are on his omnipresent imaginary teleprompter. $47 Billion Man Is a Professional Provocateur Success defies a universal definition. It is a complex paradigm. It is always defined both qualitatively and quantitative