Joe Dalton

Chrissy Sykes My Body is My Body Program



This week I chat with Chrissy Sykes, My Body is My Body ProgramAs an award-winning singer/songwriter with a career in South Africa and Nashville, USA, Chrissy decided to put her songwriting skills into practice by writing the My Body is My Body Program. The program was developed in conjunction with various Departments of Education and Departments of Human Services in the United States of America. To date the program has been translated into 19 languages and animations have been viewed over 1 million times on YouTube in more than 200 Countries. This is not a true reflection as to how many children are watching the videos as Chrissy sends many schools, NGO's and Foundations all the videos to download due to many areas not having suitable internet.This program is FREE to everyone. All the translations and language voices have been done by volunteers. There is no funding, and everything that has been achieved has been through the kindness and goodwill of caring people who want to make a difference. Thank you to