Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's April 17, 2022 Weekly Weather



Mercury is super busy this week ~ he contunes to travel 14 degrees, and talks to every planet in the sky. On April 19, Sun enters Taurus and slows the energy quite a bit. Earth instead of Fire ~ you'll feel the shift.  Mars in Pisces has no aspects this week so we get some needed rest. Mars in Pisces becomes mellow and groovy.  He's chilling to the Jupiter in Pisces vibe. Mellow jazz!  Water, fluid and emotions flow! Jupiter has a strategic conversation with Athena about how to proceed with new initiatives. Next month, Mars comes to 23:58 Pisces and officially launches the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in a new 12 year cycle that ends on March 24, 2035. Venus dances in the sign of her exaltation Pisces and encourages emotions to flow and issue invitations to collaborate with her.  Mercury enters Taurus and focuses on peace and love because Venus invites him to.  Get up bright and early to see a fabulous star show!  Juno enters Pisces until January 13, 2023 so folks are interested in committing to the dream