St. Luke Columbus

Handing on What We’ve Received // Mike Weaver



Maundy Thursday is a night in which we experience a rich continuity with the past.  Paul begins the reading in 1 Corinthians with the statement, “I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you…” referring to the passing on of the Lord’s Supper to the believers in Corinth.  Jesus gave the supper to us, and we in turn give it to the next generation.  We share in an experience of God’s grace that has been experienced for centuries.     Jesus says a similar thing about washing feet, “I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”  We are, in loving service, called to serve others as Christ serves us.   Tonight we receive and are invited to share with the next generation the incredible, unconditional grace of God found in Jesus Christ.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website