Turtle Power Pod

BONUS - Wikihow We Do It EP 13



Disappointment! Sarah's upset, and for good reason. Basem's been sick, which means he had more time to complete his challenge, but did he make good use of it? Who knows! You will, after you listen to the episode. And make sure to listen to next episode, when we have our first Betterment Challenge Face-off! (With special guest, Cranny from Turtle Power Pod). This episode's Betterment Challenge: http://www.wikihow.com/Act-Silly-with-Your-Girlfriend Next episode's Betterment Challenge: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Blanket-Fort Find us on Twitter @WikiHowWeDoIt Or email us at WikiHowWeDoIt@gmail.com - Follow Basem at @TurtlePowerPod Follow Sarah at @why_in_the_heck   ------------------------------------- BONUS- Wikihow We Do It EP 13 Our homepage is at http://turtlepowerpod.libsyn.com Tweet us! @TurtlePowerPod Email us toll-free at TurtlePowerPod@gmail.com Our YouTube channel is at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxUFgCsBp_5iSHXuShyVSsw Check out Wikihow We Do It at http://wikihow.libsyn.com/ ~ Cowabunga, dudes