Turtle Power Pod

S03E28 - Beware the Lotus



Krang is fed up with Shredder's incompetence, so he hires a replacement! Luckily for Leonardo, Krang is an equal-opportunity tyrant. In the real world, Basem and Cranston are recording from different places due to Basem being fed up with the crappiest drivers in America. It's a brand new Pizza Challenge! Click here to vote on the pizza we'll eat, straight from the show: http://www.strawpoll.me/12073390 S03E28 - Beware the Lotus Our homepage is at http://turtlepowerpod.libsyn.com Tweet us! @TurtlePowerPod Email us toll-free at TurtlePowerPod@gmail.com Our YouTube channel is at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxUFgCsBp_5iSHXuShyVSsw Check out Wikihow We Do It at http://wikihow.libsyn.com/ ~ Cowabunga, dudes