Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Set Yourself Free From Shame And Overwhelm | GR130



For many of us, finding a rhythm that makes any given task less overwhelming is worth way more than what may be considered a quicker way to get it done. But getting started is sometimes the hardest part. How do I move from feeling paralyzed by shame and overwhelmed to getting up and going to wash the dishes? This is where finding a rhythm through playing mental games with yourself can motivate you to get up and take on the task with greater ease. When my guest on tomorrow's podcast KC Davis, feels unmotivated to do house chores, she likes to pretend she is a world-renowned cleaning expert and everyone is watching her on television as one of her motivations.  Maybe your motivation is turning on some music and creating movement momentum by dancing through the tasks.  Or choose your favourite podcast or TV show to watch or listen to while working could be another. How you find the motivation doesn't matter; it comes down to doing what it takes to get where you want to be - even if it is only in small,