Rnr: Real And Raw With Franklin Rivera

RNR EP 10 with Guest Lewis Johnson



Lewis Johnson is the owner of LDC Cleaning and a person that I have known for years.  A man of high integrity who chose to start a business in an area that he was totally unfamiliar with after being downsized from Corporate America.  Lewis shares his perspectives of starting a business that is much different than the usual stories we hear out there in the marketplace.  Running a professional cleaning company has its own challenges and Lewis' perspective is a breath of fresh air Lewis may be contacted at http://wwwldjcleaning.com or by calling 630-405-6682 You may learn more about our sponsor, Vyte at http://bit.ly/2eGmS7A If you like our intro and outro music, you may listen and buy Joni Brovo's EP at http://bit.ly/2gCP4ZZ Franklin Rivera is available for seminars, public speaking and one on one digital marketing training.  Schedule a time to talk by visiting http://bit.ly/2h6Gd2k