Operating A Profitable Restaurant

Understanding the Function of Your Restaurant's Cash Flow Statement



Experienced restaurant operators closely manage the inflows and outflows of cash through their business. Sound management of available cash is critical to the ability to pay wages, keep the lights on, stock the walk-in, and make distributions to owners. The financial document that summarizes these transactions is known as the restaurant cash flow statement. An understanding of this document is important not just for your accountant, but for owners and managers as well. Once you can interpret your cash flow statement, you’re in a position to more accurately project the future financial health of the restaurant. Read the full Blog Post: https://rasiusa.com/blog/understanding-the-function-of-your-restaurants-cash-flow-statement/ Watch the full Video: https://youtu.be/wJjLsvmbSeg Social Handles: RASI Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rasinc__/ RASI Twitter: https://twitter.com/RASInc_ RASI Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RestaurantAccountingServicesInc RASI LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/