Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP380 Women of Action with Kim Miller & Alison Furno



Our guests today are Kim Miller & Alison Furno. Kim Miller is the President and Founder of Arizona Women of Action (AZWOA). Alison Furno is an America-loving patriot born and raised in Arizona. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from Arizona Christian University. Alison is also the Social Media Director for AZWOA. AZWOA is a grassroots organization that aims to revive American freedoms. The members engage in critical issues of education, culture, and politics, and provide clear, effective actions so you can make a difference - on your schedule. 1) Kim, we will start with you and then Alison. What was the tipping point that caused you to dive into this kind of Grassroots work? 2) Alison, you are the social engagement director. Your Membership growth has been phenomenal. How are you able to reach so many women and get them engaged in activism and advocacy? 3) Kim, why are women (specifically) important to getting solid candidates to run and win elections? 4) Alison, what has A