Retrorgb Weekly Roundup

CRT vs Projectors With Cousin Scott



I recently sat down with Scott to discuss how some types of 480i and 480p content looks on CRT's and projectors.  Unlike almost everything else we do on RetroRGB, this conversation is 100% speculation, with no comparison footage or facts to back it up.  It's legit just a podcast of us talking about what types of content we want to watch in 480i on a consumer TV, 480p on a BVM (or VGA monitor), or modern projector.  And oddly enough, I think most people will enjoy it:  Just think of this as a primer to get your started running your own experiments and seeing what you prefer best.  As always, these long-form podcasts are also available as a video, with links on the main page: There's one thing we didn't try that I thought of afterwards:  Those cheap HDMI to composite converters.  Now, please note those are not recommended for gaming, as they output 480i and have quite a few frames of lag.  If you