Discography Discussion

Discuss Metal 051: Talking Metal with Josh and David from The Showdown



David Bunton and Josh Childers of The Showdown sit down with Dan to give a very special announcement and then they spend some time doing what we do best on this podcast, discussing some metal! Pay no attention to the sirens in the middle of the show.  That didn’t happen, no not at all…. Enjoy and get snake bit! #heavymetal #solidstaterecords #furnacefest Join our Patreon: Discography Discussion on Patreon - http://bit.ly/discussmetalpatreon Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - http://bit.ly/DiscographyDiscussion Subscribe to RSS - https://podcast.discussmetal.com/feed Buy a Shirt on Teespring! - http://bit.ly/DDTeeSpring Join the conversation on Discord - http://bit.ly/discussmetalDiscord Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/discography_discussion Listen to Discography Discussion on Spotify - http://bit.ly/discussmetalspotify Discography Discussion on Apple Podcasts/iTunes - http://bit.ly/discussmetalitu