Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep439 Steroids in Golf



Would steroids help you play better golf? Isn't the idea of golf performance training to maximize power and speed? Every sport that requires maximal power and speed output has to watch for athletes cheating. Most common forms of performance enhancing drugs include anabolic steroids and growth hormone. Bigger, faster and stronger in a pill! So why would golf be any different? Anyone who has played competitive golf would know what it feels like to to grind over a 6 foot putt to either win or make the cut. Bad time for roid-rage! But you could technically use steroids for a cycle, get your "gains" and then ween yourself off in time for a Major. But, in today's game with FedEx points on the line each week it is critical that you compete 20 plus tournaments a year. No time for bulking season. One benefit and probably the most valuable benefit of steroids is the recovery benefits. Recover from injury, fatigue from travel or train before and after intense range sessions. But what are the side effects? What about Tes