Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's April 3, 2022 Weekly Weather



Mercury is super busy this week ~ he travels 15 degrees, and talks to every planet in the sky.  He is combust the Sun so intense communications can be expected. On April 10, Mercury enters Taurus and slows the game down a bit.  Think fast breaking basketball game, shifting to a slower pace as the guard handling the ball, slows down as he travels down the court. Mars and Saturn meet up stopping everything ~ nothing is moving!  Frustration builds. Blocks happen. However, a brand new cycle starts about the structures you are building in your life. When Mars and Saturn last met up, we had covid start. Jupiter and Saturn have a quick conference to see if the plans agreed upon December 20, 2020 are proceeding. Saturn directs Jupiter to make changes.  Venus dances into the sign of her exaltation Pisces and encourages emotions to flow and issue invitations to collaborate with her.  The new Moon in Aries last week, initiates the spring season. The New Moon helps set the tone for the year as the seasonal ingress gets