Empowered Couples

“What Are We Really Arguing About?” The 3 Sources and Methods of Arguments: Episode 220



Register for the FREE Communication WebClass TONIGHT April 12th If you are in Arizona, or close to, registrations for the in person Couples Workshop in Arizona on May 12th, 2022 is now open!    About the Episode: You’ve had this thought in the middle of an argument right, “what are we really arguing about right now?” This is a very common feeling about being lost or unclear about what is being fought about or what started it. If you think about it, when you find yourself in a place like this, is it likely you can easily find your way out if you don’t even know what got you here? Likely not!  But this is not just you, arguments have different layers and if you are unclear, like even about what your desired outcome is, how can you expect to be anything but confused and ineffective?!  That’s why in today’s episode you are going to hear our takeaways from the book “Thank you for arguing” and how we even used it to understand more about an argument we had (yes it’s true we have arguments ourselves!). As you will h