St. Luke Columbus

The Final Four, Part 2: Unity // Steve Brown



In our day, it is a primary mission of the evil one to divide a congregation, just like he has divided the Church in the past. When a congregation is divided, lives are wrecked and the mission is severely crippled.  St. Luke has many differences within our family over politics, economics, human sexuality, gender identity and roles, leadership, worship styles, and more. While we should never dismiss these because they are very important to each other, they should not divide us nor motivate any of us to walk away from our St. Luke family. Remaining united in the body of Christ was a top priority in the teaching of the Apostle Paul, second only to the Gospel of Jesus. We stay united when we affirm as of greatest importance the essential beliefs and mission that we hold in common.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website