Never Ever Give Up Hope

How Does Music Help Us Heal and Help Reclaim our Life Purpose?



Follow your passion .....If you don't you will always wish you had! Cymber Quinn grew up in a deeply abusive family environment. There was no escaping what was happening. She turned to music and beauty as a way of coping - just as many children and adults are doing today - to gain purpose and hope.  Cymber is a transformational music coach, specializing in harp, piano, and voice. She weaves world, classical, jazz, and nature into soundscapes of inner peace. Fifteen years ago she left the corporate world when an illness prevented her to continue and then returned to her first love - music and the harp.  Cymber Lily Quinn is the creator of The Purpose Cafe Coaching masterclass, The Ultimate Life Purpose Roadmap, which provides a straightforward blueprint for women in their 40s and beyond.  Cymber hosts The Purpose Cafe podcast, where she interviews women who are already living their life purpose. Click HERE for a FREE 30-minute laser coaching session to help you start on your Three Steps to Reclaiming Your Life