Paul Martin Business News

Thinking time = innovation - Saskatchewan's advantage. Episode 22.



Innovation can be more attainable to those who take the time to rest their brains than those constantly working and in Saskatchewan, the wide-open prairies present opportunities to allow for your mind to wander and dream of how to create a brighter future. There are those whose intelligence and wisdom have made them inspirational figures who have stated the importance of thinking time to solve problems. Albert Einstein is said to have explained that if he was challenged with a problem and given an hour to solve it, he would spend 55 minutes think about the problem and five minutes solving it. Then, there is Winston Churchill who spoke of the positive thinker seeing the invisible, feeling the intangible and achieving the unthinkable. Free thinking – the kind that goes beyond the day-to-day decision-making and executing – is what is necessary to innovate. New solutions come from the type of thinking that is not about what needs to be done, but what could be done about an obstacle. The power is in taking the tim