Pom Pom Quarterly - Knitting Podcast

Episode 74 – Ainur Berkimbayeva



Hi Pomcats! This episode we’re having a chat with the fabulous knitwear designer Ainur Berkimbayeva.We were delighted to get to know Ainur better, after admiring her designs in issues of Pom Pom for a while! You’ll know her patterns Dayspring from Issue 36, the Alatau hat design from Issue 31, and Astragal from Issue 30.We talk about the many hats she wears as a knitwear designer, spiritual sustainability and social media, and her love of garter stitch. Plus she also drops hints about the construction of her design in our forthcoming Issue 41! Thanks so much Ainur! You can keep up to date with her designs via Instagram @mamasteddybear and on her website here.Remember you can keep in touch with us and other Pomcast listeners via our Ravelry forum, and you can send us your musings via email at podcast@pompommag.com. To be kept informed with all the latest updates, delightful titbits, and treats, we recommend signing up to our weekly newsletter! This episode is sponsored by knitwear designer, plant dye