Add Passion And Stir

Success Begins Early: The Power of Sacrificial Giving



In this episode of Add Passion and Stir, Washington, DC Chef Tim Ma (Kyirisan) and Nurse-Family Partnership’s CEO Roxane White talk with Share Our Strength founder and CEO Billy Shore and Share Our Strength's Managing Director of Development, Elliott Gaskins about why they “give back.” Chef Tim and Roxane share their poignant personal stories of how their pasts shaped the people they are today and inspired them to work with vulnerable populations like low-income pregnant women, ex-offenders and homeless people. Roxane describes that nutrition is critical for expectant mothers and young babies, saying “If we lose the first two years of brain development, we never recover.” Listen to their discussion on how we can help one another survive poverty, hunger and bad circumstances. Listen and Learn: · How prenatal nutrition and health has lifelong implications, even regarding criminal activity · How social programs can create a sense of pride and not shame · How ev