Add Passion And Stir




What do we do with politicians that ‘bob their heads up and down’ and then do not support children? How do we hold them accountable for the promises they make? Mark Shriver, President of the Save The Children Action Network, and DC legend Chef Geoff join host Billy Shore on a powerful episode of Add Passion and Stir to discuss how to get politicians to pay attention to social justice for kids. Mark says that “democracy is a contact sport” and urges powerful groups to put pressure on politicians because only big campaign contributors seem to get their voices heard – and kids don’t make campaign contributions. “Politicians tell you that kids are the most important resource in the world… but when push comes to shove, kids don’t get the investments they deserve,” he states. Chef Geoff shares how direct impact work being done in communities and real life stories of community members can convince political leaders that action is needed. Listen for their advice on how you can stop special interests from controlling