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You’ve Got to Measure the Hum: Why Kids In Boston Love School Meals



Where does the food come from that we feed our kids in schools? Laura Benavidez, Executive Director ofFood and Nutrition Services for the Boston Public Schools, discusses a program she’s spearheadingaimed at transforming how food is sourced, prepared, and served throughout Boston’s public schools.Currently, most of the food is prepared in New Jersey, frozen, and transported to Boston. “We’re going torevolutionize how we feed kids,” says Benavidez. Jill Shah, serial entrepreneur and president of the ShahFamily Foundation, is providing the funding to build school kitchens in the 75% of schools who do nothave them so that meals can be prepared on-site with fresh ingredients. Eventually the program, whichhas the support of the Mayor, will be expanded throughout the district and impact 57,000 kids. Theultimate goal is to create a blueprint for other school districts to replicate its success. “We’re more thanhappy to share [what we’ve learned] throughout the country,” says Shah.The ultimate judges of that success a