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How does having a voice create responsibilities and opportunities to drive change? Lee Schrager, creatorof the wildly successful South Beach and New York City Wine & Food Festivals, sits down with ChefKevin Tien (Himitsu in Washington, DC) and hosts Debbie and Billy Shore to discuss the ever-greaterinfluence chefs are having on culture and social change. “Thirty-five years ago, chefs were notsuperstars, they weren’t rock stars. Now people are listening to them,” says Schrager. Recently namedone of the 10 Best New Chefs for 2018 by Food & Wine Magazine, Tien is very aware of his own risinginfluence. “Right now I’m at a point in my career where I’m starting to have a voice. With that comes theresponsibility of doing what’s right, giving back and giving support where it’s needed,” he explains. Theguests discuss the importance of celebrities having influence on a variety of societal issues from hungerto mental health. The group discusses the recent suicide of Anthony Bourdain, who many of them knew.They e