Gcf Austin

Forgiving Means Forgetting



LG questions for 3/30: 1. What is your biggest takeaway from this teaching? 2. If forgiveness doesn't remove the consequences of the wrong, then what good is it? 3. Should you quickly forgive a wrongdoer that doesn't know better? Why or why not? 4. Must you forgive an unrepentant wrongdoer that knows better? Why or why not? 5. Is there anyone that you need to forgive? Make that decision. Get yourself off the hook. 6. Which of the teachings covered in this "8 dumb things" series has had the biggest impact on you? And why? -- Faith can fix anything -- Everything happens for a reason -- Christians shouldn't judge -- Let your conscience be your guide -- If you take care of God's house, then He will take care of mine -- God brings good luck -- A valley means a wrong turn -- Forgiving means forgetting