Frontier Centre

Policy On The Frontier with Susan Martinuk



Patient Centered Health Care and Crisis Join us on Today! Patients at Risk: Exposing Canada’s Health-care Crisis A Webinar featuring Senior Fellow Susan Martinuk in a discussion about Canada’s health care system. REGISTER NOW → Our Topic: Sometimes health care hurts the very people it is supposed to heal. This is now the situation in Canada, where waitlists, rationed services and a fragmented system have resulted in tragic and unnecessary consequences to far too many patients. Susan Martinuk’s newly published book, Patients at Risk: Exposing Canada’s Health-care Crisis shares the heart-breaking stories of those who sought healing and instead found themselves trapped in a system that prioritizes an intangible ideology over patient care. How did Canada’s beloved health-care system lose sight of its original purpose to heal and devolve into a system that routinely denies care to those who need it?