Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

93. Five Questions To Cultivate Your Team's Happiness As Well As Your Own



As a leader, you have the ability to lift up or contaminate the performance and  happiness of your team. Pretty powerful when you think about it. That’s why today I thought I’d share a little known but powerful secret to cultivating your team's happiness, as well as your own. While it’s a simple strategy, it’s also insanely effective. To be able to understand this strategy and use it will help you lift up not only yourself, but others. It has to do with how we communicate and the questions we ask. By asking the right questions, you simplify, clarify, redirect and drive yourself and others to higher levels of performance and happiness. That’s the power of a question. It has the ability to change everything! Grab a notebook and pen because I’m going to provide you with five specific questions that you can use to lead yourself or your team in challenging and uncertain times. They matter because the answer to these questions will inform and upgrade your next decisions and actions.  If this episode is helpful for