RIA Weekly

Episode 350: Email in Excel



This week we discuss how the software supply chain impacts business continuity and analyze the latest attempt to disrupt Microsoft Excel. Plus, some thoughts on bread heels…. Register here to be invited to future Software Defined Meetups (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HabWg2nxKf2-qAavMSihlHbACjpr-qVDJFeBTKAJZJQ/edit). Rundown On the weaponisation of open source (https://beny23.github.io/posts/on_weaponisation_of_open_source/) Hacker Group Claims Access to User Authentication Firm Okta (https://gizmodo.com/hacker-group-claims-extraordinary-access-to-user-authen-1848684491) The tyranny of Microsoft Excel may finally be over (https://www.techradar.com/news/the-tyranny-of-microsoft-excel-may-finally-be-over) Relevant to your Interests Website Builder Webflow Hits $4 Billion Valuation As It Nears $100 Million Revenue (https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrickcai/2022/03/16/webflow-series-c-4-billion-valuation-100-million-revenue/) Amazon Closes $8.5 Billion Acquisition of MGM (https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/amazon