Dentist Brain Candy

S2EP8: How to Upgrade Your “BS” Filter and Dismantle the Lies of Learning



Are you struggling with news overload Information about topics like COVID, politics, and war flood our feeds and inboxes, but not everything that is being communicated to us is the truth. That is why being able to think for ourselves is such a critical skill.  So, how can we get better at detecting “BS”? On this episode of Dentist Brain Candy, I cover two thought-provoking articles from the February 2022 edition of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The first one by Jeffrey C. Posnick, DMD, MD looks at what is needed to separate fact from fiction in this age of information overload. I think you will find this article both timely and helpful. I also discuss an article by Cameron Lee et al. that shares the findings from a study on the relationship between serum albumin and adverse outcomes in patients undergoing operative repair of maxillofacial fractures.    I also continue our discussion of the book, Limitless by Jim Kwik. Today I’m discussing Chapter 6: “The 7 Lies of Learning.” In this chapter,