All About Your Benjamins

Weekly Mixtape For March 20th, 2022


Synopsis Week In Review Articles The WSJ: Fed Raises Interest Rates for First Time Since 2018 The WSJ: Mortgage Rates Rise Above 4% for the First Time Since 2019 The WSJ: China’s Covid-19 Surge Shuts Down Plants in Manufacturing Hubs Shenzhen and Changchun The WSJ: After Walt Disney, Robert Iger Heads to the Metaverse Weekly Mixtape A Wealth Of Common Sense: Different Kinds Of Sad "Looking back has been cathartic. It doesn’t take away the sadness but that sadness wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for all of the fond memories we had with her." The Reformed Broker: Don't Bother Looking, It Will Find You "People who sell it will find you. That’s their job. I know these people. They know exactly what they’re doing. And once they’ve identified you they will prey upon your every weakness. Not only will they convince you that this is how the “real” wealthy people invest, they will set an artificial