Ever Vigilant

Man in the Mirror



"Talk is cheap", I clearly remember my uncle telling me. I was in my early teens and didn't quite understand the significance of his statement. I reflect on this thought regularly and attempt to weigh what I say against it. In this crazy world, action is the remedy.Talking creates noiseNoise creates chaosChaos creates fearThe only remedy is action. Every that you complain you indite yourself.I want to touch on two issues that prevent action.(1. You are surprised Good people, those that don't make a habit of lying, cheating, stealing, hurting others are surprised or shocked by the behavior of those that do. When the "Golden Rule" is the standard for your life, it is difficult to understand and deal with those that don't abide by what you feel are the rules of the game. This often leaves those that behave badly in power or in positions of influence. Some of these people are intentional of their "bending" of the rules and enjoy not being hampered by the rules, while others less intentional but the results are of