Peer 2 Peer Real Estate's Podcast

Show 221 : Possible California Law May Outlaw House Flipping



Hello Everyone.Seems some people, realtors, according to my sources, have been up in arms with house flippers for years. Most of the arguments, are flippers are taking money out of realtors hands for years.Some states, like Illinois, are coming up with laws that flippers need either a license or work with a realtor to flip houses, which in most cases sit empty for months at a time and investors come in get it under contract and flip to either a landlord or a rehabber.Let's not forget that rehabbers fix up the house to top condition and resell to potential homebuyers or rent them out, for their part flippers are helping out neighborhoods that need some time of revitalizing. That's my two cents. Under the proposed bill, that might go all away, I'll post the link below and you can read it . From The Podcast