Soma Spokane Sermons

04 | Compassion and Proclamation



Daniel’s ongoing service and reputation grants him another opportunity to serve on the world stage. He is called on to interpret another troubling dream for the king of Babylon. Daniel is genuinely grieved when he hears the dream because he knows its interpretation: the king will be humbled, unless he repents. Daniel’s relationship & years of faithful presence allow him to speak boldly to the king. He actually wants good for the king. In love for Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel calls the king to repentance before God. With genuine hope and care, Daniel’s message is delivered with hopes that God might spare the king. Judgment and suffering do come, yet in the end through God’s mercy, it seems as if the king does indeed repent, is converted, and his kingdom and flourishing are restored. The pagan king turns into an evangelist, boldly proclaiming the wonders of the sovereign God of Daniel. As Exiles in our modern Babylon, we find ourselves in the shadows of powers that desire flourishing but are mixed up in troubling sit