RIA Weekly

Episode 349: for Developer-led Sales, also, The School of the Philosophy of Rocks and Time



This week, Coté and Matt define three sales model for doing developer-led sales. Also, we know that clown fish are optional, but do rocks need to exist? Register here to be invited to future Software Defined Meetups (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HabWg2nxKf2-qAavMSihlHbACjpr-qVDJFeBTKAJZJQ/edit). Mood Board: How many of you watch streaming? hotdogheadexplosion37 - “I’m your host, exploding hotdog.” hotdogheadexplosion37 solves agile financing problems. I’m your host, ExplodingHotDogMan What if rocks didn’t exist? I didn’t take “Philosophy of Rocks 101 in college, but I did take hydrobiology 379.” This is what happens when Brandon’s not here Legal week B to D sales The Janitorial Sales Model - vendor creates mess, drives uncontrolled/ungoverned/decentralized viral spread. The Mary Poppins Model Graffiti Proof Paint Model Rundown Rocks. The End of Daylight Saving Time? (https://twitter.com/senatecloakroom/status/1503797632745025542) Dell Striving To ‘Embrace Developers In A Big Way’: Michael Dell (https://ww