Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#123 - Meet Anita - ANOTHER Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw



Meet the delightful Anita from Australia who shares another EndoBoss® Inspiring Story. Anita is an experienced secondary school teacher and also a nutritionalist. When she first reached out to me she was bleeding six to nine days of the month with heavy clots, crippling migraines and intense lower back pain. She had debilitating lethargy and terrible fatigue, bloating, bladder sensitivity, distention in her stomach, chemical sensitivities, dragging sensations down her legs and intense anxiety. Anita had tried a number of other natural modalities and approaches to heal and had also tried two surgeries. Unfortunately, the medical procedures only increased her symptoms and she was left feeling quite mistreated by the medical field who were very dismissive of what was happening to her and her body. Then she started her new EndoBoss® Journey. Within six months of joining the EndoBoss® Academy, Anita's pain scores have halved and she has a new and empowering relationship with her body.  Emotionally, she is the stro