Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Warning Signs of Hormone Imbalance in Women (Check THESE Hormones)



These signs of hormone imbalance in women mean that you may have a hormone problem. Hormone imbalances are VERY common in women but frequently missed by doctors. Ignore these symptoms at your own peril. Before we start, here are a few things to know: #1. You know your body better than anyone else! Listen to your intuition. If you think you have a hormone problem you probably do. #2. Doctors are not always the best source to treat hormone imbalances. You may think they are but their treatment often only includes birth control pills which only mask the problem. #3. And lastly, there are two major types of hormone imbalances. Those that will not be missed by your doctor and those that probably will be. We are going to discuss the latter because they are often missed! Signs of hormone imbalances include: 1. Weight gain (both fluid shifts + gain of fat mass) and in various areas of the body. Belly fat = insulin Arms = testosterone but/thighs = estrogen/progesterone neck/trunk = cortisol 2. Menstrual irr