Float Your Boat

Season 6 – Episode 011 - From Byron to Uganda & Back Again - Symmone Gordon - Clairvoyant



Symmone’s gift is as a clairvoyant combining her skills as a counsellor and psychological astrologer to identify what beliefs are pressing pause on dreams, what unique evolutionary cycles are being activated and guiding the transformational process from an inner and outer level. She’s been an entrepreneur all her life, creating several businesses from the ground up across several industries, before taking on the incredible opportunity to work with the Cotton On Foundation and the University of Atlanta in food and water security, community development and other key humanitarian and sustainability projects. She’s has travelled the world learning about spiritual principals and energy from well-respected monks, nuns, shamans, healers and spiritual teachers to unlock a person’s potential and learn about herself. She now delivers a unique blend of intuitive guidance and spiritual teachings seamlessly blending it with a hands-on practical advice and strategic ideas to help women create a soul centred roadmap - movin