Float Your Boat

Season 6 – Episode 020 - Astonishing Legends - Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess



The world is more mysterious than most people are comfortable imagining. We cross paths with the mystical from time to time and may not even notice it. If we do, we quickly return to our usually mundane daily existence. But what if we not only acknowledged the unknown, we investigated it and spoke with those in the know? That’s what co-hosts Scott & Forrest, and their producer Tess Pfeifle do at Astonishing Legends. With the power of the well-vetted Astonishing Research Corps, they have access to information that most folks couldn’t find. Over 75 million downloads and hundreds of thousands of listeners have shown that exploring and embracing the wonders of our world can be not only enlightening but exciting. Welcome to Astonishing Legends!We’ve been friends a long time, and although it didn’t come up at first, sooner or later, we must have had that first conversation about Dyatlov Pass, Black Eyed Kids or some other story of equivalent mystery. After that, I think we were both amazed to have found someon