Float Your Boat

Season 7 – Episode 007 – The Road To Enlightenment - Tom Cronin - The Portal Movie



Tom Cronin spent 26 years in finance markets as one of Sydney’s leading bond and swap brokers. He discovered meditation in the early stages of his career, when the anxiety and chaos he was experiencing hit a crisis point. Meditation completely transformed his world, both personally and professionally. Today Tom is passionate about reducing stress and chaos in people’s lives, and his mission is to inspire one billion people to meditate daily. His work in transformational leadership and cultivating inner peace through meditation takes him around the world as a speaker, presenting keynote talks, hosting retreats and teaching. Tom has appeared on national TV, and been featured in Vogue, Daily Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald, Business Review and Conde Nast Traveller. He is co-creator of The Portal film-book experience, author of six books.