Leon La Grey Podcast

Ep. 174 Happy New Years Day Podcast, Future of Mobile Gaming and CES 2022 will close on Jan 7th due to........COVAIDS!



Happy New Years everyone! Welcome to 2022. My first episode in the start of the brand new year. Why I go over what things anyone can to start advancing your life and what anyone can do to improve your life for the start of the new year. I go over 2 things that I want to bring into my life and what to get rid of, things or people that may not serve you your best interest down the road.then I discuss about the future of mobile gaming why I see It'll bring a lot of young influencer to the gaming and mobile space.Last I go over a CNET article, CES 2022 will on Jan, 7 due to the COVAIDS!https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/ces-2022-will-close-on-jan-7-amid-covid-concerns-major-exhibitors-pulling-out-of-show/Here are the affiliate links belowZenni.com Anti-Blue Light Glasses Wherever you are gaming or, long hours at works you'll thank yourself for protecting yourself from harmful blue lights from computer screens.https://bit.ly/2HzdBygScootch CaseFortressUp: https://bit.ly/2WQbVrDScootch CaseGrubhub: https://bi