Paleo Runner

Joel Bein on Music, Creativity, Writing, and Taking Action



I talk with Joel Bein about music, writing, creativity, and taking action. Joel is a conductor, author, director of Growth at Crash, and writer of The Daily Job Hunt. He recently released his book, Do It Now. Chapters: 00:00:00 Joel Bein 00:00:27 Crash 00:03:13 Unleashing creative power  00:04:58 The Daily Job Hunt 00:06:22 Bias for action  00:06:38 Connection between music and creativity  00:09:51 Joel's book, Do It Now 00:10:37 Music vs writing  00:14:09 From blogging to a career in email marketing  00:18:02 Self-directed learning  00:23:35 Getting started at Crash  00:25:22 Pitching crash  00:27:45 What did you do to get a job at Crash?  00:30:10 Is your job exciting to work at?  00:33:05 What is it like to write for 150,000 people per day?  00:34:56 The Daily Job Hunt  00:37:10 How do you manage social media?  00:45:22 Getting started on any project&n