Aging In Full Bloom

OSU Researchers Need Your Help to Understand Alzheimer’s



The OSU College of Nursing is currently recruiting participants for a research project exploring pain in Alzheimer’s disease. My guests include my longtime friend Michelle Crum who is a Research Recruitment Specialist at The Ohio State University. Plus, Karon Ross, PhD, RN, CNL, and Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University is at the table. She is the principal investigator in this very important study. We really encourage you to participate in this study if you are over 60, and within a 2-hour drive of The Ohio State University. You can reach Michelle at or call her at (614) 292-0226. Here is a link to the article Michelle and I talk about in this episode. ( Email me, Lisa Stockdale, anytime at - Aging in Full Bloom with Lisa Stockdale is sponsored by Capital Health Care Networ