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99 | The Pandemic Pushed Mental Health Out of the Workplace Shadows | Niamh Fitzpatrick



Episode SummaryIf we didn’t already know it, the pandemic laid bare the fact that, as humans, we inevitably bring our whole selves to our jobs - including a range of emotions. This episode of Building Better Cultures focuses on mental health, which has taken center stage in the workplace and softened the separation between personal and professional.  Our guest, Niamh Fitzpatrick, a psychologist who works with business and sportspeople alike  The pandemic deprived us of the ability to congregate among our favourite tribes (sports, entertainment, extended family, volunteer activities) but it also delivered a critical pause — a chance to get honest with ourselves and assess our priorities.   Our workplaces can be a source of the safety and acceptance on which humans thrive, particularly when leaders (themselves humans in need of support) foster cultures of openness and psychological safety.  This episode offers advice about how to recognize and respond to workers in distress; the role of communication and empath