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Brian Kilmeade, Co-Host of "Fox & Friends" on Thomas Jefferson & America's First War w/ Radical Islam



Brian Kilmeade is the co-host of Fox News morning show Fox & Friends and host of his own national radio show called Kilmeade & Friends. He's the co-author of the  bestseller GEORGE WASHINGTON’S SECRET SIX, and new he and his co-author Don Yaegar have a new book on a often over-looked chapter in American History.  The book is called THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE TRIPOLI PIRATES: THE FORGOTTEN WAR THAT CHANGED AMERICAN HISTORY. 200 years before Al-Qauda or ISIS, a young America led by Thomas Jefferson, took a stand against radical Islam and first asserted herself as a world power.  Brian Kilmeade will talk about how the Barbary Wars saved the U.S. economy and how Thomas Jefferson was a reluctant "hawk" who chose to flex America’s military might rather than pay extortion money the pirates who prayed on U.S. ships in the Mediterranean Sea.  Plus we'll discuss the war as a defining moment for new U.S. Navy and the Marines, our first attempt at regime change, and some very important lessons for America's modern day war