Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown wsg Cathy Renna & Danny Linden Creating Change Rem



Attending the annual Creating Change Conference has been a rite of passage for LGBTQ activists for over 30 years,  We would come together, share ideas, make new friends, catch up with old friends and even find love. What’s happened to Creating Change in the time of COVID??? Pivoting to a virtual format in 2021, activists, organizers, and newbies were looking forward to coming together in 2022 once again in New Orleans when the omicron variant of the coronavirus begin showing up in communities around the world. After dealing with the momentary disappointment of having to cancel the in-person conference, the staff went to work reimagining Creating Change and looking forward to 2023 when the conference also include a celebration of The Task Force’s 50th anniversary. Communications Director Cathy Renna is a veteran of Creating Change.  She’s watched the conference grow not just by the number of participants but in the programming, diversity, and inclusion of varying and new voices in the LGBTQ community. Confe