Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates 3-13-22



LEGACY SH VAPA (323) 357-7531 3/13/22 Hello VAPA Community. This is Dr. Trimis.  Hola, comunidad de VAPA.  Este es el Dr. Trimis. Monday is a late-start day. El lunes es un día de inicio tardío. March is Music in Our Schools Month and Women’s History Month. Please note that per LAUSD guidelines, masks continue to be required for all students, staff, and visitors indoors at all LAUSD campuses. If there is any change in policy, I will let you know immediately. We continue to encourage all of our students to be vaccinated against COVID19 for their safety and the safety of their families, community, and our VAPA community. Vaccinations continue to be offered by LAUSD as well as required weekly testing at school for all students and staff. If you have any questions, please call us at VAPA. Please note that per LAUSD policy all students on campus this Fall must be vaccinated. Unvaccinated students will enroll in the LAUSD online academies. School staff will be adjusted according to the on-campus enrollment co