New Books In Islamic Studies

Mohammad Salama, "Islam and the Culture of Modern Egypt: From the Monarchy to the Republic" (Cambridge UP, 2018)



Egypt is often the focus of religious and political histories of early twentieth century. The striking hardening of nationalist and Islamic movements within Arab societies during this period is frequently described through the growth of the Muslim Brotherhood, specific pan-Arab ideals, or questions of Egyptian identity under Gamal Abdel Nasser. However, the religious and political spheres intersected within new forms of Egyptian cultural production.  In Islam and the Culture of Modern Egypt: From the Monarchy to the Republic (Cambridge University Press, 2018), Mohammad Salama, Professor at San Francisco State University, explores how Egyptian authors and filmmakers articulate the role of religion and the nation in the lives of the modern subject. He provides a short genealogy of Arabic literature in the first half of the twentieth century that address questions of nationalism and Islamism and demonstrates how authors oscillate between tradition and secular values in modern Egypt. In our conversation we discus