

Every hear people complain about range lawyers? Ever heard people spout off about the rules at a match about the rules and be blatantly wrong? What about the folks who are intentionally trying to bend the rules to their benefit? What about folks who are just trying to make sure we play the game by the rules? Last week I had to take my USPSA Range Officer exam, and in doing so, I noticed I was pretty rusty on the rulebook, so I sat down and read it cover to cover one more time, and… I learned a LOT. So, I’m the guy that brings his rulebook. I intend to use it should their be a question about the rules at a match. I even keep a .pdf of the applicable rulebooks on my phone so I can text search them quicker than looking through the paper copies at a match. Does that make me a “range lawyer?” I don’t think so. I want to win, but I don’t want to win by bending the rules. I want to win on a fair playing field against everyone else, and my conscience wouldn’t allow me to win by bending the rules. So, the next time so