Frontier Centre

Leaders on the Frontier with Hon. Dan McTeague



"Energy policy plays a central role in the health and vibrancy of Canada's economy and in the quality of life and high living standard of every Canadian. Canada’s enormous energy wealth, particularly from its immense conventional oil and gas reserves, is our country’s largest export and its greatest source of tax revenue and high paying jobs. Relative to other countries these ample supplies of energy have benefited citizens with lower energy prices. This policy has now shifted as Justin Trudeau’s government climate change and anti-pipeline policies work to massively increase energy prices and the cost of goods and services across the board. Indeed, gasoline prices in early February across Canada broke an all-time record with a national average retail fuel price of $1.516 per litre. This session discusses this radical change in Canada's energy policy. What is behind the Trudeau government’s anti-energy masterplan? Why this change and particularly the politics behind it? How will these changes impact the future