Having A Night With Ari & Sophie

Spring Cleaning!



Past-due condiments, unknown substances covered in a layer of mold, a nearly-full bottle of something unidentifiable you bought while you were tipsy.... These problems are a tale as old as time, if you ask us! We are diving into the deep, mysterious world of the coldest room in your house, aka your refrigerator. To Store the Milk or Not to Store the Milk in the fridge door... Low vs high humidity drawers... Which section of the fridge is truly the coldest? Our heads are spinning! It's Spring Cleaning, baby, and it's time to take a good, hard look at that kitchen of yours and decide what needs to GO! And also, what needs to go where. (PSA: your wheat germ needs to go in the fridge, but your soy sauce does not!) When are dried spices really too old? And does mayonnaise need to be refrigerated? These questions and more in this sleuthful, truthful episode about our fridges & pantries. Your jaw will drop. JK it probably won't, but hopefully this ep will inspire you to get rid of that random Lingonberry Jam someone