
#242: Tessa Khan meets Sustainababble



Suing national Governments for gross Inhofery, whilst simultaneously laying the smackdown on oil and gas companies, sounds daunting and, frankly, a lot of work. Thank bejeezus then that international environmental & human rights lawyer Tessa Khan is busy doing all this and more, with no little success. We natter to Tessa, who founded and directs Uplift, about Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its connection to all things fossil fuelled; the merits and pitfalls of trying to save the planet via the courts; and what to do with all the shit white men in positions of power. As mentioned in the show, please support organisations assisting Ukrainians and victims of war everywhere, if you can: Donate to frontline organisations in Ukraine:* Medical relief -* Aid packages -* Support for journalists - or offer practical help to UK-b